Sunday, August 28, 2005

I really have to come to terms with my Jean-Claude Van Damme obsession

Few people give JCVD the credit that the man deserves-having to overcome being French to become a semi-major action star is tough-I think half the movies I've seen him in he is cast as being Cajun to explain away his French patois, Cajun being far more marketable. Over the last couple months I keep catching JCVD movies in bars with the sound off or on the Spanish Language TV station, and I have to say that as long as you cannot hear any of the actual dialog, JeanCVD is perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious and awesome action star in the history of mankind. Unlike most action movies which you can figure out the whole plot from the preview, JCVD keeps you guessing with random characters/plot twists/fight locations. In one of his pieces there is a great sequence I particularly remember watching when I was at the Know tavern a couple months back where Jean-Claude gets in this over-the-top-with-homoerotic-undertones fight for money/blood in a half-filled pool. Before too long both fighters are soaking wet and the sun is glinting off their bronzed muscles in perfectly back-lit, slow-motion shots as their hair flies about in long arcs, scattering beads of water into the air, wrestling and heaving and thrusting...all of this right after he had got done fighting a guy in a kilt in a parking garage. And this is why you have to watch his movies with the sound off, because I'm sure the dialog would alert you that these seemingly utterly random, hilarious things would happen (lines like, "okay, Benoit, now you have to fight a guy in a kilt in the parking structure.") Also, JCVD does not make a movie that doesn't have a hard-as-fuckin-nails name-here is just a small sampling: -Wake of Death -In Hell -Knock Off -Double Team -Maximum Risk -Sudden Death -Hard Target -No Retreat, No Surrender -Double Impact and of course he had a "walk-by" role in the original Breakin', but I'm sure he found time to crack some skulls.


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