Wednesday, October 05, 2005

All I know is Slash had better be careful...

Whenever I hear a news item that is particularly screwed up in it's weirdness or depravity, I always wait for the inevitable "reporting from Florida..." at the end of the segment. Why does this state produce such compellingly messed-up stuff all the time? The weather? The swamps? 2 Live Crew? Elian? I have no idea, but this article about a brewing reptile gang war (WARNING: picture of an exploded burmese python with 1/2 an alligator sticking out of it inside) due to a turf dispute between indigenous 'gators and pythons that Floridians have abandoned in the swamps is a thoroughly typical/awesome example. All the Floridians I've met have been great people, but I always ask them why their state can't just have some normal crimes or whatevs.


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