Moustache Tracking-Day9

Not too shabby (I kind of look like a Eastern European basketball player or something)-I've noticed it's coming in all weird, though, evidently I am incapable of growing hair in a few places on my face. Here's a close-up (apologies for my co-workers ultra-lo-res digital phone pictures)
Fig 1. Close up on hairless regions
I feel as though I'm learning so much about myself!
the moustache growing is funny cause all the girfriends can compare notes on what it's like to make out with your newly moustachioed bf.
A blog? I begged you to get an email address in college, and I might as well have been asking you to walk onto the football team. Times change.....
Did you ever see my Van Dyke? I grew it when I was 23, and it didnt come in very well. Now that I have hair on my back, maybe I can do better.
oh and you don't look like an eastern european basketball player, i am sorry. please grow another foot before you say that.
Dave, you amaze me with your limitless ability to recall all the dumb shit I say to cop out of doing things sometimes. Although to be fair, until my sophmore or junior year of college, I had really shitty computer access. Congrats on the back hair. The "Eastern European Basketball Player" thing referred to swarthiness, not height. Believe me, that's not a look I'm going for.
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