Hey, sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
Well, now we know what it takes to get the "vacation president" off the ranch. (Bush has logged somewhere around 340 days of vacation-essentially 1 of his first 5 years of being in office he has been on vacation) That's right, Dubya is cutting his vacation short by 2 days. I guess his original plan of having everyone pray real hard didn't pan out so hot. I bet he was wicked pissed. Let's all prepare ourselves for the inevitable horribly opportunistic photo-op where he flies over in a helicopter, (I'm hoping for a 9/11 redux, complete with megaphone on top of a flooded house) shamelessly exploiting the tragedy to show how human he is. The interesting thing, though is that part of the reason the damage in N'walins is so bad is the ongoing destruction of surrounding wetlands that naturally absorb some of the storm surge around the city, and guess who has been weakening protection in order to allow development on wetlands?
"Dear Jesus, Please don't cut my vacation short."
EDIT: Actually, he's not coming back 'till tommorow-he still has to speak at some event equating the War in Iraq with WWII. Awesome-the whole city is totally flooded, the water is still rising, there's no phone, water, gas, electric, and the president is too busy spreading disinformation to come right back and take charge.

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