Thursday, August 25, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Psuedoephedrine? Is that what you use to make The Meth?"

-Jenny, reading the sign at the pharmacy yesterday


I'm going to see Shellac. I never thought I'd get the chance since as far as I knew they only played on houseboats or some crazy shit, so I am excited. I am growing facial hair for an upcoming moustache-related event, and my co-workers are beinning to treat me as though I am strung out on The Meth or something. I nearly made an announcement at our meeting today that I was not hung over, I was just growing a moustache, but I think I'll see where this takes me.

The MySpace Archives

Starting over is always painful, so here is my myspace blogography-months and months of my witticisms, observations and reviews...there's some entertaining stuff on there, maybe I'll post some "From the Vault" classics at some point.