If, like myself, young people are starting to freak you out more and more, a Welshman has just invented a device that repels young people. Howard Stapleton has rocketed to national fame with his "Mosquito" device, which "emits an uncomfortable high-pitched ultrasonic sound that can be heard by children and teenagers but almost no one over 30."
We went to Packwood, Washington for Thanksgiving and much food was consumed, much drinking was done, and then we played bingo and karaoked in gay Indian war paint. Big ups to Packwood.
Pat Morita died (pause to pour out liquor)-I remember going to see "Karate Kid" in the theater with my dad and walking out convinced I was going to defeat my grade school tormenters through Karate, I got my ass beat as usual the next day but that 12 hours of hope was awesome. Anyway, here's the Boston Sports Guy's tribute to Mr.Miyagi and the "Karate Kid" trilogy-writing about which probably landed him the book deals and internet column, etc. so he knows what he's talking about.
a field guide to North American Hipsters-just remember as Schaeffer the Darklord says, "if you make fun of Hipsters, guess what-you are a hipster."
In the world of basketball, Kobe Bryant is wearing tights. I don't even know what to do with this, other than to reiterate that Nike is selling these tights for $35, but hey, evidently their- "Flat-seam construction eliminates chafing"-so they've got that going for them.
I was cool with headbands, but tights is a line I refuse to cross. Ron Artest, on the other hand, keeps it so gangsta he shaved the name of his record company into the back of his head. See, you'll never see Kobe Bryant do that or any of the 1,000 other crazy-ass things Ron-Ron has done-I'll just mention that his rookie season he applied to work at a Circuit City because he was having trouble making ends meet with all the people living at his house-and he also wanted the employee discount. Oh yeah, and he attacked someone in the stands and started-ahem-a riot-cough. Anyway...gots to run.