The more I read this the more I had to believe it was a joke-one of the top experts in the war on terror also used to be one of the doobie brothers (and a former member of Steely Dan). Totally over-the-top article including lines like this-
Baxter: So, one day, I don't know what happened. I sat down at my Tandy 200 and wrote this paper about how to convert the Aegis weapon system — why it would make sense to convert it to do theatre missile defense because it would be on a mobile platform and give the United States a new role in NATO in the 21st century. I have no idea. I just did it.
Suuure you don't know what happened, Skunk-so basically the key to landing a high-paying, top-secret defense department job is to sit around stoned all day long reading Tom Clancy books and typing up theory on your Tandy.